Board of Education
Mrs. Lindsay Gillis (President)
Mr. Chris Valentine (Vice President)
Mrs. Tiffany deSilva
Mrs. Amy Messick
Mrs. Diana Rigby
Your Board of Education is comprised of five members, elected to a term of four (4) years by the residents of the school district. Dates, times, and locations of the regular meetings of the Board of Education are set at the organizational meeting in January. See the District’s website, for dates, times, and locations of board meetings. All community members are invited to attend.
Administrative Team – Executive Cabinet and Directors
Dr. John Marschhausen, Superintendent
Mr. Brian Kern, Treasurer
Dr. Jennifer Schwanke, Deputy Superintendent
Mr. Chris Ondrus, Executive Director of Student Services
Mr. Bryan Buoni, Executive Director of Human Resources
Mrs. Lori Marple, Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Mr. Jeff Stark, Chief Operating Officer
Mr. Tyler Wolfe, Director of Student Wellness
Mr. Michael Ulring, Director of Secondary Building Leadership & Professional Development
Mrs. Samantha Althouse, Director of Elementary Building Leadership & Professional Development
Mrs. Cassie Dietrich, Public Information Officer
Administrative Building
5175 Emerald Parkway
Dublin, Ohio
Ph: (614) 764-5913
Fax: (614) 761-5899
Transportation Garage
6371 Shier-Rings Road
Dublin, OH 43016
(614) 764-5926
Coordinator of Transportation: Mr. Brian Killian