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PATHS - Student Support Services

Dublin City Schools offers many services to ensure equal opportunity for all children, including enrichment services, early childhood education, academic intervention, Title I math, reading support programs, services to support English language learners, home instruction, special education, and related services such as speech and language therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, adapted physical education services, psychological services, mental health services, and transportation.  Support is also available through our school counselors, substance use disorder counselors, school nurses, student support specialists and alternative education opportunities.

Parents who are in need of effective language assistance with respect to school programs and activities are entitled to these services from Dublin City Schools free of charge. Parents who self-identify as Limited English Proficient in at least one area (speaking, reading, writing and/or understanding English) may contact Dublin City Schools at for language support. Please be sure to include your full name and school(s).

For more information about these services, please visit the Department of Academics and Student Learning web page on the district website at