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PATHS - Student Health

A student health clinic is located in all elementary, middle and high school buildings, including the Emerald Campus building.  A full-time clinic aide, in consultation with a school nurse who covers multiple buildings, staffs the clinic. When the clinic aide, school nurse, or a substitute is not available in the clinic, the building office staff will assist with student care.  

Clinic staff offers basic first aid, emergency care, medication administration, and vision and hearing screenings. 

Routine vision and/or hearing screenings are conducted each year for all kindergarten students, first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh grade students, and all new students to the district. Additionally, if a staff member, parent/guardian or a student has a concern about a student’s vision or hearing, the clinic staff will screen the child upon request.  Clinic staff also ensures compliance with Ohio’s medication and immunization laws, monitors for communicable diseases, and assists students with required medical care as ordered by a healthcare provider.

At the beginning of each school year, parents/guardians are required by law (ORC 3313.712) to complete an Emergency Medical Authorization Form for each student. This form is to enable parents/guardians to authorize the provision of emergency treatment for children who become ill or injured while under school authority, when a parent/guardian cannot be reached. Throughout the school year, please remember to update your student’s Emergency Medical Authorization Form if there are changes to phone numbers (/Domain/111), or your child’s health care information (Infinite Campus). Students will be excluded from participating in field trips until this requirement has been met. Please note:  If a student becomes ill or is injured during normal school hours, they will only be released to individuals listed as an emergency contact. Contact the school of attendance health clinic with questions.

Parents/guardians are encouraged to contact the school nurse prior to the first day of attendance with any health concerns or conditions that could affect their child’s learning, attendance, or safety at school.  It is also recommended that parents/guardians list their child’s health concerns and medications on the district’s electronic health record (Infinite Campus).  This is especially important if a child has life-threatening allergies, seizures, diabetes, or other major health concerns.  The school nurse will work with the parents/guardians to develop a health care plan for students who require preventative or medical interventions at school when appropriate.  This plan will be shared with school staff that work with or supervise the student.