Middle School Operations
- Attendance at School Events
- Withdrawal Procedure
- Emergency Procedures Fire/Tornado Drills
- Emergency Safety Drills
- Parent Notification System
- School Closing
- Items/Messages for Students, Lockers, Lunch, Student Visitors
Attendance at School Events
Withdrawal Procedure
At least three days prior to withdrawal, a withdrawal form must be picked up in the Guidance Department. This form must be presented to each teacher and all textbooks, library books, and other materials must be turned in. After this form has been completed, it must be returned to the Guidance Department in order to allow cumulative records to be forwarded to the new school.
Emergency Procedures Fire/Tornado Drills
Fire drills at regular intervals are required by law and are an important safety precaution. It is essential that when the first signal is given, everyone obeys promptly and clears the building by the prescribed route as quickly as possible. Students are not permitted to talk during a fire drill and are to remain outside the building until a signal is given to return inside. Books and personal belongings are to be left in the room. Students are not permitted to go to their lockers during a fire drill.
Tornado drills are conducted at frequent intervals as well. Each classroom has an area to occupy for such drills, and the same rules for personal behavior apply as for fire drills.
In any other emergency, follow the directions of your administrators or teachers.
Emergency Safety Drills
Emergency safety, tornado, and fire drills will take place at regular intervals in the middle schools and are an important safety precaution. When the announcement is made for a safety drill, students, teachers, visitors and all other people in the building are to follow the directions and protocols established by the Dublin City Schools.
Parent Notification System
Our district utilizes a broadcast messaging and notification system to communicate with families. There are three channels within the system: phone call, email, and text message. Parents can update their contact information through the district website (www.dublinschools.net) by clicking “Families,” then “Update Student Information.”
In the event of an emergency, it is important that families and the community recognize that, if necessary, our priority is to contact first responders and secure our schools. We make every attempt to communicate with families as quickly as possible. Generally, we do not send broadcast messages for student medical emergencies, fire/tornado drills, or other situations where there is no threat to student or staff safety. First responder presence at a building does not necessarily indicate an emergency. Our first responders visit our schools regularly for drills, training, classroom visits, and more.
For large-scale incidents or dynamic situations, our district will defer to the Dublin Police Department for public communication. Parents and families are encouraged to follow the police department’s social media channels, and our district will share the Department’s messaging as it becomes available.
Others Ways to Find Emergency Updates:
Follow Dublin Police on Twitter: @DublinPolice
Follow Dublin City Schools on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter: @DublinSchools
Visit these websites:
School Closing
If the school is closed because of poor weather conditions or an emergency, the closing will be announced over local radio and television stations and posted on the district’s web site, www.dublinschools.net. If possible, the announcement will be made on the 11:00 PM news the night before and at 6:30 AM on the day of school. Do not call school employees, the high school, or the central office to inquire about school closings. Listen to the radio stations and watch the local television stations. If you have signed up for the Parent Notification System (as outlined above), you will be notified of any school closing.
Items/Messages for Students, Lockers, Lunch, Student Visitors
Items/Messages for Students
Items brought to school by a parent must be picked up by the student in the office. Items will not be delivered to classrooms. Messages regarding appointments, transportation, or other issues will not be delivered unless it is an emergency. Parents need to make arrangements in advance with their child.
Lockers are the property of the school and are assigned to the student as a convenience. Lockers are subject to search and seizure policy. Locker assignment can only be changed with the permission of the office. It is recommended that students not share their locker combinations with other students.
Students may pack a lunch and purchase milk from the cafeteria. Each Dublin middle school participates in the National School Lunch Program and makes a balanced lunch available to students. A la carte items are also available. You may put money on your child's lunch account on-line by going to our district website (www.dublinschools.net) and clicking “FAMILIES”, then clicking on “PaySchools (Lunch Accounts)” to be transferred to PaySchools Central website. Applications for the Free and Reduced Price Meal Program are distributed to all students at the beginning of each school year. These forms can also be accessed from the district web site or by visiting "www.lunchapplication.com" to apply online.
Student Visitors
Student visitors are not permitted.