High School - Welcome
Dear Students,
Whether you are a newcomer to our school or have previously attended, we hope you will find this school year to be a memorable and exciting one. Cooperation is, of course, the key, and to that end, we suggest that you read this handbook thoroughly. It will tell you exactly what we expect of you and what services and benefits you may expect from the school. We are looking forward to helping you have a successful and rewarding year.
- Mission, Vision, and Culture Playbook
- Board of Education and Administrative Team
- High Schools
- School Calendar
Mission, Vision, and Culture Playbook
The Dublin City School District develops educator, family, and community partnerships to provide a personalized educational experience to prepare all students for success during their school journey and after graduation.
The Dublin City School District will ensure that every student is prepared for success.
Culture Playbook
A major focus for Dublin City Schools is culture. Our intentional focus on building a successful culture is critical as we work through the strategic planning process and master facility work. We know that culture is not built by what we proclaim, but is built by what we practice, permit, and promote. When it comes to the culture in Dublin City Schools, everything matters; when we build our culture, everyone has an impact.
Since August of 2021, we have been on a culture journey together. We started with a group of district and community leaders to identify the core values, the heart, of the school district. Through collaboration and dialogue, we identified three core values:
Take Responsibility - Own your attitude and actions
Always Growing - Embrace the Journey
Better Together - Think Team
These values are our guidepost; our values provide alignment in all we do. We use these values as the focus of our Culture Playbook. Our playbook gives us a unique advantage. Building and sustaining the culture we desire requires intentional effort, planning and attention. Our core values provide the standards for how we behave towards each other, interact with our students, and partner with our families. Our success depends on collaborating and achieving in our diverse learning community.
There is tremendous power in alignment and common vocabulary. When we share a deep commitment to a common culture, we are engaged and energized. We are able to communicate about complex issues, navigate differences, and support each other on our learning journey. Our ultimate goal is to create a culture where everyone is consistently engaged in the behaviors that help us prepare each individual student for success.
The Culture Playbook is only the beginning of our culture journey. We have a three-year professional development plan that supports our work. During the past school year, our administrative team and District leadership have engaged in the R-Factor training process. We must develop the skills to achieve results. Responding to life’s events demands that we act with purpose. Our mindset and skill set, grounded in our values, are critical to our success. As a District, from our youngest students to our most experienced educators, we are focused on developing the skills that will prepare all for success in the future. We are, of course, focused on teaching academics to each student. Alongside teaching the academic standards, we align our instruction to teach self-discipline, personal responsibility, growth mindset, and teamwork. We celebrate our diversity and connection through collaboration.
Board of Education and Administrative Team
Board of Education
Mrs. Lindsay Gillis (President)
Mr. Chris Valentine (Vice President)
Mrs. Tiffany deSilva
Mrs. Diana Rigby
Mrs. Amy Messick
Your Board of Education is comprised of five members, elected to a term of four (4) years by the residents of the school district. Dates, times, and locations of the regular meetings of the Board of Education are set at the organizational meeting in January. See the District’s website, www.dublinschools.net for dates, times, and locations of board meetings. All community members are invited to attend.
Administrative Team – Executive Cabinet and Directors
Dr. John Marschhausen, Superintendent
Mr. Brian Kern, Treasurer
Dr. Jennifer Schwanke, Deputy Superintendent
Mr. Chris Ondrus, Executive Director of Student Services
Mr. Bryan Buoni, Executive Director of Human Resources
Mrs. Lori Marple, Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Mr. Jeff Stark, Chief Operating Officer
Mr. Tyler Wolfe, Director of Student Wellness
Mr. Michael Ulring, Director of Secondary Building Leadership & Professional Development
Mrs. Samantha Althouse, Director of Elementary Building Leadership & Professional Development
Mrs. Cassie Dietrich, Public Information Officer
Administrative Building
5175 Emerald Parkway
Dublin, Ohio
Ph: (614) 764-5913
Fax: (614) 761-5899
Transportation Garage
6371 Shier-Rings Road
Dublin, OH 43016
(614) 764-5926
Coordinator of Transportation: Mr. Brian Killian
High Schools
6780 Coffman Road
Dublin, Ohio 43017
FAX 614-764-5925
Mr. Matthew Parrill, Principal
Mrs. Jennifer Clark, Assistant Principal
Ms. Valerie Lawrensen, Assistant Principal
Mr. Wayne Tsai, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Ann Tiefenthaler, Dean of Students
Mr. Duane Sheldon, Athletic Director
Ms. Nancy Sparks, Attendance
Phone Numbers
High School Office 614-764-5900
Attendance Office 614-764-5961
Guidance Department 614-764-5950
Athletic Department 614-764-5908
Custodial Department 614-764-5911
Music Department 614-764-5905
Athletic Trainer 614-764-5945
Performing Arts Centre 614-764-5959
Physical Education 614-764-5907
Food Service 614-764-5909
About Our School
Colors: Green, White, and Black
Team Name: Shamrocks
Sports Affiliation: Ohio Capital Conference
Yearbook: Shamrock
Newspaper: Another Perspective
5175 Emerald Parkway
Dublin, Ohio 43017
Dr. Julie Blevins, Principal of Emerald Campus
Mr. Dale Jennings, Dean of Students
Ms. Jennifer Hinderer, Coordinator of Secondary Pathways and Partnerships
Ms. Jena Pruden, Bridge & PATHS Coordinator
Mrs. Sondra Snodgrass, IB Coordinator
Mrs. Nikki Swisher, School Counselor
8300 Hyland-Croy Road
Dublin, Ohio 43016
FAX 614-873-1937
Mr. Mike Aurin, Principal
Dr. Bryan Arnold, Assistant Principal
Ms. Donita Hampton, Assistant Principal
Mr. Mike Wyat, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Julie Schoeler, Dean of Students
Mr. Jay Schwanke, Athletic Director
Ms. Colleen Bender, Attendance
Phone Numbers
High School Office 614-873-7377
Attendance Office 614-718-8256
Guidance Department 614-718-8275
Athletic Department 614-718-8261
Custodial Department 614-718-8264
Music Department 614-718-8290
Athletic Trainer 614-718-8282
Performing Arts Centre 614-718-8263
Physical Education 614-718-8296
Food Service 614-718-8265
About Our School
Colors: Forest Green and Gold
Team Name: Celtics
Sports Affiliation: Ohio Capital Conference
Yearbook: The Knot
Newspaper: Verve
4000 Hard Rd.
Dublin, Ohio 43016
FAX 614-717-2484
Mr. Thomas Cochran, Principal
Ms.Kari Craddock, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Jonnah Hetzel, Assistant Principal
Mr. Ryan McClure, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Susan Murphy, Dean of Students
Mr. Nick Magistrale, Athletic Director
Mrs. Mary Leonard, Attendance
Phone Numbers
High School Office 614-717-2464
Attendance Office 614-717-2469
Guidance Department 614-717-2473
Athletic Department 614-717-2468
Custodial Department 614-717-2471
Music Department 614-718-8340
Athletic Trainer 614-717-2476
Performing Arts Centre 614-718-8313
Physical Education 614-718-8346
Food Service 614-717-2472
About Our School
Colors: Green, White, and Silver
Team Name: Irish
Sports Affiliation: Ohio Capital Conference
Yearbook: The Torrent
Newspaper: Irish Eye