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Survey Results

As part of the elementary and middle school redistricting project, Cropper GIS conducted a survey to gather feedback on draft map options. Input was submitted by 630 participants from across the district.  

While the survey results provided valuable insights, they were only one factor in the final decision-making process. The district’s ultimate goal was to create sustainable maps that thoughtfully balance the broader logistical needs and realities of the entire district. Decisions were made based on data, logistics, and long-term planning rather than individual situations or emotional considerations. As a result, not every request from the survey could be accommodated.

Feedback Recap

Below were the top ten most frequently expressed concerns from the survey responses, along with responses to each issue from Dublin City Schools. Click on a category to view the response.

Learn More

For a more detailed summary of the survey results, visit Cropper GIS's redistricting website.