Dublin City Schools is proud to offer students access to Chromebooks and other technology devices for use at school. Students in grades 6-12 are also able to use their device at home for academic purposes. The following information is provided to help all involved understand the expectations, responsibility, care, and use related to receiving a Chromebook or other technology device.
Agreement and User Responsibilities
- SECTION 1: Purpose
- SECTION 2: Chromebook Use Agreement for Grades PK-5
- SECTION 3: Chromebook Loan Agreement for Grades 6-12
- SECTION 4: Technology Fee (Grades 6-12 only)
- SECTION 5: Taking Care of a Chromebook
- Family/Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
- Student Responsibilities
SECTION 1: Purpose
Using the tools of the day is essential to learning experiences that enhance modern literacy. Providing a device to each student, just as textbooks used to be provided, levels the playing field and ensures all students have equitable access to the curriculum.
Accessing valid information and content in real time is a reasonable expectation in our modern world. Providing tools to teachers and students to allow such access is essential.
Providing tools to complement our learning management system (Schoology) and the workshop model of instruction, will continue to enhance learning experiences for all students.
SECTION 2: Chromebook Use Agreement for Grades PK-5
2.1 The Chromebook will be provided by the District to students on a “loan-for-use-basis” for academic purposes during the school day. The Chromebook and accompanying equipment is, and at all times remains, the property of Dublin City Schools.
2.2 Students will be able to use the Chromebook during the school day once the student and/or parent have agreed to the 1:1 Chromebook Loan Agreement, the Student Technology Acceptable Use and Safety Policy (7540.03), the Utilization of the District’s Website and Remote Access to the District’s Network Policy (7543), and, if in grades 6-12, paid the Technology Fee.
2.3 Students are expected to treat the Chromebook as a valuable piece of equipment. It is the student’s responsibility to care for the equipment and ensure that it is transported and kept in safe environments.
2.4 The student may not install or use any software other than that which is approved by the District.
2.5 The student may not make any attempt to add, delete, access, or modify other users accounts on the Chromebook or on any other school-owned computer.
2.6 Students are to use the Chromebooks in accordance with all District Acceptable Use Policies, the Student Code of Conduct, as well as local, state, and federal statutes.
2.7 Since the Chromebook is the property of the District, school officials have the right to review all material stored on or accessed by any Chromebook. Violations of this agreement will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. School administrators have the right to suspend or revoke a student’s Chromebook use privileges.
2.8 The Chromebooks are the property of the District and must be returned at the request of a teacher or administrator.
2.9 Willful damage or destruction, violations of law, or failure to return the Chromebook will be reported to local law enforcement and may result in criminal prosecution.
SECTION 3: Chromebook Loan Agreement for Grades 6-12
3.1 The Chromebook will be provided by the District to students on a “loan-for-use-basis” for academic purposes for the duration of the school year. The Chromebook and accompanying equipment is, and at all times remains, the property of Dublin City Schools.
3.2 Students will be able to take the Chromebook home during the school year once the student and parent have agreed to the 1:1 Chromebook Loan Agreement, the Student Technology Acceptable Use and Safety Policy (7540.03), the Utilization of the District’s Website and Remote Access to the District’s Network Policy (7543), and paid the Technology Fee.
3.3 Students are expected to treat the Chromebook as a valuable piece of equipment. It is the student’s responsibility to care for the equipment and ensure that it is transported and kept in safe environments.
3.4 The Chromebook may be used at home and be connected to home networks and Internet services for out-of-school hours. The student may not install or use any software other than that which is approved by the District.
3.5 The student may not make any attempt to add, delete, access, or modify other users accounts on the Chromebook or on any other school-owned computer.
3.6 The student's Chromebook has been configured with a user account that grants them unique privileges and capabilities and should only be used by the student to which it has been assigned.
3.7 The District will issue a Chromebook to the student in their first year of middle school and first year of high school.
3.8 Identification labels have been placed on the Chromebook that connect the user to the device. These labels are not to be removed or modified. If the label becomes missing or is damaged, contact the school for tech support immediately.
3.9 Students are to use the Chromebooks in accordance with all District Acceptable Use Policies, the Student Code of Conduct, as well as local, state, and federal statutes.
3.10 Since the Chromebook is the property of the District, school officials have the right to review all material stored on or accessed by any Chromebook. Violations of this agreement will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. School administrators have the right to suspend or revoke a student’s Chromebook use privileges.
3.11 The District assumes no responsibility for fiscal obligations for any purchase of goods or services by the student or family using the Chromebook. This type of activity will not be permissible during school hours.
3.12 The Chromebooks are the property of the District and must be returned at the end of the school year of the current loan agreement, upon withdrawal from the District, or at the request of a teacher or administrator.
3.13 Willful damage or destruction, violations of law, or failure to return the Chromebook will be reported to local law enforcement and may result in criminal prosecution.
SECTION 4: Technology Fee (Grades 6-12 only)
The Parent/Guardian/Student is responsible for making a non-refundable, annual payment of $50 to the District. The fund created by this fee is established to fund repairs in the event of accidental damage to a student’s Chromebook.
All 1:1 participants are required to make a payment in full established by the assigned distribution day of the school. Families who qualify for free or reduced meals will not be charged or will be charged a reduced rate consistent with their federal benefits eligibility.
If the technology fee is not received, the Parent/Guardian will be responsible for the market cost of replacement of the Chromebook, or the cost of repairs.
The $50 annual technology fee includes accidental damage protection. This covers repairs caused by accidental damage to screens, keys, keyboards, broken hinges, and internal ports for power and headphones. (See limitations below)
2 break-fix issues, totaling no more than $365 per school year
1 replacement during the student's middle school years (Grades 6-8)
1 replacement during the student's high school years (Grades 9-12)
Accidental damage protection does not cover:
Power cords: The student/parent/guardian must replace damaged or lost cords. Please check the device's model before ordering a new cord.
Replacement stylus are not covered by the technology fee.
Damage caused by deliberate action of the student is not covered by the accidental damage protection fund. If a Chromebook is lost or damaged due to neglect, the Parent/Guardian/Student may be liable for the full purchase price or repair of the device.
12th Grade Ownership Eligibility
12th grade students will not pay the $50 technology fee.
Dublin City Schools 12th grade students who pay their technology fees in full for 9th, 10th, and 11th grade are eligible to assume ownership of their Chromebook. If past fees have not been paid, students can make the past due payments so they may keep their Chromebook after graduation.
Dublin City Schools are not responsible for lost, stolen, or repairs to Chromebooks, or any damage that may be caused to the Chromebook after the last day of school of the student’s 12th grade year.
SECTION 5: Taking Care of a Chromebook
Students should treat the Chromebook as a valuable piece of equipment. The Chromebook is school property. All users will follow these expectations, the Code of Conduct, and all acceptable use policies.
General Precautions and Care
The Chromebook must remain free of any writing, drawing, stickers, or labels that are not the property of the District.
Chromebooks should never be left unsupervised.
Students are responsible for charging Chromebooks prior to each school day.
Students should be very careful when putting Chromebooks into a backpack or any other type of bag. Too much pressure and weight put on the Chromebook can cause damage to the screen.
Screen Care
Chromebook screens can be damaged if subjected to rough treatment. The screens are particularly sensitive to excessive pressure.
Avoid placing any pressure on the screen.
Do not place the Chromebook in an overstuffed backpack to avoid pressure damage.
Clean the screen with a soft, dry microfiber cloth or anti-static cloth. The use of harsh chemicals will damage the screen.
Chromebooks Given to Students with protective snap-on case
The Chromebook snap-on protective case is designed to safeguard the device against impacts, scratches, and general wear and tear.
Students are advised to keep the protective case intact at all times to ensure the continued protection of their Chromebook and to maintain eligibility for repairs
If the protective case is intentionally removed without permission from the building principal, the Chromebook will not be covered for any subsequent repairs.
Family/Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
Students are issued a Chromebook to enhance and personalize learning within our workshop model of instruction. Parent support is appreciated in the following areas:
Supervision of use during non-school hours; monitoring website history
Ongoing discussion of expectations regarding appropriate use of the Internet;
Reporting of problems rather than making attempts to repair the Chromebook;
Helping to make sure no software is deleted or loaded;
Making sure Chromebooks with protective snap-on cases are not removed;
Making sure students charge the Chromebook each night before school; and
Making sure students bring the Chromebook to school every day.
Parents are also critical partners in making sure Chromebooks and charging cords are returned upon withdrawal from the district. Please return Chromebooks to the student’s school building before withdrawing from the district.
The family indemnifies and holds harmless the District and its agents against any and all claims, actions, suits, proceedings, costs, expenses, damages and liabilities, including attorneys’ fees and costs arising out of, connected with or resulting from the device, use of the device, or this agreement, including without limitations, the manufacture, delivery, possession, use, operation or return of the device.
Student Responsibilities
The Chromebook is an important learning tool and is to be used for educational purposes only. Students are to follow all District and Acceptable Use policies when using the Chromebook at school or outside of school. Students are expected to adhere to all local, state, and federal laws as well as common decency when using the Chromebook.
Students will:
treat the Chromebook with care by keeping it clean and dry, keeping it away from food and drink, and not dropping it;
bring the Chromebook to school every day, fully charged;
transport the Chromebook with proper carrying techniques and in appropriate cases;
not lend the Chromebook to anyone, not even friends or siblings;
not load any software on the Chromebook that is not school-approved;
not remove programs or files from the Chromebook;
not remove protective snap-on case if provided;
not give out personal information when using the Chromebook;
keep all accounts and passwords assigned to the student secure, and will not share these with other students;
not attempt to repair the Chromebook without Tech Support; and
return the Chromebook when requested and upon withdrawal (if applicable).
Further, students agree that all digital communication (i.e. email, chats, messages, discussions, posts) will be academically appropriate, legitimate, and responsible.
Break-Fix and Repairs
- Lose Your Cord? Click here to Order
- Lose Your Stylus? Click here to Order
- Troubleshooting and Updating Your Device
- How to Clear Cache and Cookies
Opt-Out Option
Please print and sign the below form if you wish to Opt-out of the 1:1 Program. This form needs to be turned in to the Media Center Break-fix desk.
Google Workspace
- Google Workspace for Education Privacy Notice
- Google Workspace for Education Notice to Parents and Guardians
Google Workspace for Education Privacy Notice
Google Workspace for Education facilitates learning and collaboration among students (and parents), educators, and school admins. Google Workspace for Education includes two categories of services, both described in this privacy notice. The distinction is important because the scope of the services and how the data is processed in these services differs.
Google Workspace for Education core services are listed in the Services Summary and include Gmail, Calendar, Classroom, Assignments, Contacts, Drive, Docs, Forms, Groups, Sheets, Sites, Slides, Chat, Meet, Vault, and Chrome Sync.
Google Workspace for Education additional services include services we make generally available for all consumers, such as Google Search, Maps, and YouTube, which Workspace for Education users may have access to with their Workspace accounts.
Google Workspace for Education Notice to Parents and Guardians
At Dublin City Schools, we use Google Workspace for Education, and we are seeking parent permission to provide and manage a Google Workspace for Education account for their student. Google Workspace for Education is a set of education productivity tools from Google including Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Classroom, and more used by tens of millions of students and teachers around the world. At Dublin Schools, students will use their Google Workspace accounts to complete assignments, communicate with their teachers, and learn 21st century digital citizenship skills.
In addition, we also allow students to access certain Additional Google services with their Google Workspace for Education accounts. Specifically, students may have access to Chrome Web Store (limited), Google Bookmarks, Google Chrome Sync, Google Classroom, Google Earth, Google Jamboard, Google Maps, Google Play (limited), Google Scholar, Google Takeout, and Google Translator Toolkit. A list of additional services is available at
Further, we allow students to access additional third-party services with their Google Workspace for Education accounts. Our school administrator enables access to these third-party services with your student’s Google Workspace for Education account, and authorizes the disclosure of data, as requested by the third party services.
Google provides information about the information it collects, as well as how it uses and discloses the information it collects from Google Workspace for Education accounts in its Google Workspace for Education Privacy Notice. You can read that notice online at You should review this information in its entirety, but below are answers to some common questions:
What personal information does Google collect?
When creating a student account, Dublin City Schools may provide Google with certain personal information about the student, including, for example, a name, email address, and password. Google may also collect personal information directly from students, such as telephone number for account recovery or a profile photo added to the Google Workspace for Education account.
When a student uses Google core services, Google also collects information based on the use of those services. This includes:
account information, which includes things like name and email address.
activity while using the core services, which includes things like viewing and interacting with content, people with whom your student communicates or shares content, and other details about their usage of the services.
settings, apps, browsers & devices. Google collects information about your student’s settings and the apps, browsers, and devices they use to access Google services. This information includes browser and device type, settings configuration, unique identifiers, operating system, mobile network information, and application version number. Google also collects information about the interaction of your student’s apps, browsers, and devices with Google services, including IP address, crash reports, system activity, and the date and time of a request.
location information. Google collects information about your student’s location as determined by various technologies such as IP address and GPS.
direct communications. Google keeps records of communications when your student provides feedback, asks questions, or seeks technical support
The Additional Services we allow students to access with their Google Workspace for Education accounts may also collect the following information, as described in the Google Privacy Policy:
activity while using additional services, which includes things like terms your student searches for, videos they watch, content and ads they view and interact with, voice and audio information when they use audio features, purchase activity, and activity on third-party sites and apps that use Google services.
apps, browsers, and devices. Google collects the information about your student’s apps, browser, and devices described above in the core services section.
location information. Google collects info about your student’s location as determined by various technologies including: GPS, IP address, sensor data from their device, and information about things near their device, such as Wi-Fi access points, cell towers, and Bluetooth-enabled devices. The types of location data we collect depend in part on your student’s device and account settings.
How does Google use this information?
In Google Workspace for Education Core Services, Google uses student personal information primarily to provide the core services that schools and students use, but it’s also used to maintain and improve the services; make recommendations to optimize the use of the services; provide and improve other services your student requests; provide support; protect Google’s users, customers, the public, and Google; and comply with legal obligations. See the Google Cloud Privacy Notice for more information.
In Google Additional Services, Google may uses the information collected from all Additional Services to deliver, maintain, and improve our services; develop new services; provide personalized services; measure performance; communicate with schools or users; and protect Google, Google’s users, and the public. See the Google Privacy Policy for more details.
Does Google use student personal information for users in K-12 schools to target advertising?
No. There are no ads shown in Google Workspace for Education core services. Also, none of the personal information collected in the core services is used for advertising purposes.
Some additional services show ads; however, for users in primary and secondary (K12) schools, the ads will not be personalized ads, which means Google does not use information from your student’s account or past activity to target ads. However, Google may show ads based on general factors like the student’s search queries, the time of day, or the content of a page they’re reading.
Can my child share information with others using the Google Workspace for Education account?
We may allow students to access Google services such as Google Docs and Sites, which include features where users can share information with others or publicly. For example, if your student shares a photo with a friend who then makes a copy of it, or shares it again, then that photo may continue to appear in the friend’s Google Account, even if your student removes it from their Google Account. When users share information publicly, it may become accessible through search engines, including Google Search.
Will Google disclose my child’s personal information?
Google will not share personal information with companies, organizations and individuals outside of Google except in the following cases:
With our school: Our school administrator will have access to your student’s information. For example, they may be able to:
View account information, activity and statistics;
Change your student’s account password;
Suspend or terminate your student’s account access;
Access your student’s account information in order to satisfy applicable law, regulation, legal process, or enforceable governmental request;
Restrict your student’s ability to delete or edit their information or privacy settings.
With your consent: Google will share personal information outside of Google with parental consent.
For external processing: Google will share personal information with Google’s affiliates and other trusted third party providers to process it for us as Google instructs them and in compliance with our Google Privacy Policy, the Google Cloud Privacy Notice, and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures.
For legal reasons: Google will share personal information outside of Google if they have a good-faith belief that access, use, preservation or disclosure of the information is reasonably necessary for legal reasons, including complying with enforceable governmental requests and protecting you and Google.
What choices do I have as a parent or guardian?
You can access or request deletion of your child’s Google Workspace for Education account by contacting If you wish to stop any further collection or use of your child's information, you can request that we use the service controls available to access personal information, limit your child’s access to features or services, or delete personal information in the services or your child’s account entirely. You and your child can also visit while signed in to the Google Workspace for Education account to view and manage the personal information and settings of the account.