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Systems of Support (MTSS)

In Dublin City Schools, our vision of preparing all students for success through a personalized educational experience is supported by our MTSS framework.

MTSS is a comprehensive and prevention-based support system that addresses the needs of the whole child. It builds on the strengths of the student while aligning academic, behavioral and well-being supports into a fully integrated system.

Core Components of MTSS

The two main tiered systems of support embedded within MTSS are Response to Intervention – RtI (academic domain) and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports – PBIS (behavior, student well-being domain).  Within these systems of support, students receive what they need, as soon as they need it, for as long as they need it. 

Classroom teachers are the first responders for providing high quality instruction, intervention and enrichment to all students through core/universal instruction (Tier 1).  District and school teams utilize assessments and data on a regular basis to assess the healthiness of classroom instruction (Tier 1), identify students who may need additional learning opportunities (Tiers 2 and 3), as well as monitor the effectiveness of those interventions.  When a student exhibits a need for the intensification of support, a team of educators utilizes a problem-solving method to create an instructional plan aligned with the student’s needs, strengths and area(s) of concern.  The team closely monitors the student’s response through data to make sure the intervention is working.  

Throughout this process, it is vital for members of the school team to work collaboratively with the student’s family to ensure the highest level of success is achieved.  These family partnerships within the MTSS framework strengthen student learning, wellness and experiences.

The MTSS Framework

The MTSS framework includes three tiers of support to address academic, behavior and well-being needs.  The tiers are layered, fluid and based upon a student’s individual needs.  Here’s what those consist of: 

Tier 1: Core/Universal Instruction 

  • The classroom teacher provides high quality, differentiated core instruction to ALL students based on the Ohio Learning Standards and DCS curriculum.

Tier 2: Targeted Intervention

  • In addition to responsive instruction in the classroom (Tier 1), some students may need learning opportunities through targeted intervention, which often takes place in a small group in and/or out of the classroom. 

Tier 3: Intensive Intervention

  • In addition to responsive instruction in the classroom (Tier 1), a few students may need intensive intervention, which takes place in and/or out of the classroom.

Teaming Structure

Every building has an MTSS team. This team includes a diverse set of educational experts, such as classroom teachers, intervention support staff, intervention specialists, school counselors, student support specialists, school psychologists, and administrators. The MTSS team is responsible for using data to assess the healthiness of classroom instruction (Tier 1), identifying students who may need additional learning opportunities (Tiers 2 and 3), assisting in instructional planning and goal setting, as well as monitoring the effectiveness of the interventions. Teachers/staff supporting the same student work collaboratively to align and monitor their instruction/intervention so that the student is better equipped to access classroom instruction (Tier 1), which is the ultimate goal.  

Title I Programming

  • Title I, Part A funds are distributed to school districts based on four distinct funding formulas as affected by census poverty data. Districts determine which eligible buildings are to participate based on federal requirements and local decisions. Targeted Assistance buildings must direct services to specific students.  School-wide buildings may use the funds for school wide activities intended to improve outcomes across the building. The purpose of this funding is to provide supplemental funding to economically disadvantaged districts and some of their eligible schools for improving educational outcomes for students.

    Building projects are either Targeted Assistance whereby students to be served are selected based on academic needs or school-wide whereby an improvement plan can be focused on any or all students.

    Schools with Title I School Wide Assistance Programs:

    • Daniel Wright Elementary School
    • Hopewell Elementary School
    • Olde Sawmill Elementary School
    • Riverside Elementary School