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Defining Pathways

What is a pathway?

pathway is a series of structured and connected learning experiences developing a student's academic, technical, and employability skills towards post-secondary planning. Dublin City School students have the opportunity to create custom pathways made up from courses at their assigned schools, Emerald Campus experiential learning academies, Tolles Career & Technical Center programs, College Credit Plus (aka dual enrollment) courses, and more! Students will use these pathway experiences to make informed post-secondary planning decisions that incorporate any combination of the 4 E's below. By exploring these pathways comprehensively and considering how each aligns with their interests, strengths, and long-term career goals, students can make informed decisions and find the most suitable route to achieve their aspirations.

What are the four E's?

The four E's are:

  • Education: Certifications, Two Year, Four Year and Advanced Degrees 
  • Employment: On-the-job Training, College Reimbursement, High Demand Careers 
  • Enlistment: Active Duty, Military Academies, National Guard, ROTC 
  • Entrepreneurship: Start a Business, Side Hustles, Gig Economy

During high school, students can participate in a variety of options to help determine aptitude and interests in the pathways. Additionally, students may have opportunities to participate in mentorships, internships and earn industry credentials and/or college credit. 

Students should use the pathway information guides below to connect their post-secondary education and career plans to related electives, programs and clubs. Below are six career pathway communities, each with multiple options and opportunities. To help identify career pathway community focus areas, students can also use tools like SchooLinks and YouScience.

What are career communities?

Our district focuses on six career communities:


The Agriculture and Environmental Systems career community includes agriculture, animal and environmental sciences. Student who enjoy studying the environment, being outdoors and/or working with animals may consider this pathway.


The Arts and Communication career community includes performing, visual and literary arts. Students who enjoy being creative, artistic expression and/or performing may consider options in this pathway


The Business and Law career community includes the many business-related and law careers and offerings. Students who enjoy collaborating, problem solving and/or working with others may consider options in this pathway.


The Education, Hospitality and Human Services career community includes teaching, hospitality and tourism and other service-related careers. Students who enjoy working with and helping others, being creative and/or working in teams may consider options in this pathway.


The Engineering, Technology and Transportation career community includes the many engineering and technology related occupations as well as occupations in transportation systems. Students who are hands-on learners, problem solvers and/or critical thinkers may consider options in this pathway.


The Health Sciences and Public Safety career community includes medical and other healthrelated careers as well as careers in public safety. Students who enjoy helping others, conducting research and/or problem solving may consider options in this pathway.