Following guidance from the state, our district leadership is supported by a Business Advisory Council (BAC). This group of Dublin business owners, employees, and parents provide insight and advice to the Board and the Superintendent on matters of workforce, employment skills, and student opportunities.
Business advisory councils foster cooperation among schools, businesses and the communities they serve. This work ensures that the work of educators aligns with the needs of businesses. This cooperation can make a local education system more aware of the local labor market; promote work-based experiences within businesses; and help students prepare for successful learning and employment opportunities. Business advisory councils include regional business leaders who are familiar with business and industry needs. Members partner with district leaders to plan and carry out the council’s work.
1. To advise local school districts on changes in the economy and job market and the area in
which future jobs are most likely to be available;
2. To advocate for the employment skills most critical to business and industry and the
development of curriculum to teach these skills;
3. To aid and support local school districts by offering suggestions for developing a working
relationship among businesses, labor organizations and educators.
The Dublin City Schools Business Advisory Council is comprised of no less than 18 members, which includes representation from the City of Dublin, the Dublin Chamber of Commerce, and members representing diverse industries in the community. The BAC meets no less than 5 times a year and members serve limited terms. Those interested in being considered for service to this council should contact the superintendent's office.