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The Superintendent is the Chief Executive Officer of the district. The position is one of two direct reports, the other being the Treasurer, to the Board of Education.

The Superintendent works with the Board of Education to set district goals and policies. To contact the Office of the Superintendent, please email

Dr. John Marschhausen

Dr. John Marschhausen began his tenure with Dublin City Schools in May 2021.  John has served as a Superintendent for twenty years and school administrator for twenty-six years. He reports directly to the Board of Education and serves as the Board’s Chief Executive Officer. As superintendent, he supports administrators and principals in their jobs and provides teachers the autonomy to do what they need to prepare students to reach their highest potential.

Dr. Marschhausen currently serves on the Governor’s Executive Workforce Board. In this position, he advises Governor DeWine and the Office of Workforce Transformation on the development, implementation, and continuous improvement of Ohio’s entire workforce system. Dr. Marschhausen believes preparing the next generation of workers is essential to Ohio’s economic growth and prosperity.

Dr. Marschhausen is the Novice G. Fawcett Leadership Fellow at The Ohio State University in the College of Education and Human Ecology. He served as Superintendent in Residence at The Ohio State University from 2018-2021. 

Dr. Marschhausen earned his Bachelor of Arts in History/Political Science from Wittenberg University and his Master’s Degree from the University of Dayton. He earned his Doctor of Philosophy in Leadership from Capella University. 

Dr. Marschhausen plays an active role in the community, serving on the Visit Dublin Board of Directors and the Dublin Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. He is also a dedicated member of the Dublin AM Rotary. Beyond his local involvement, Dr. Marschhausen is engaged in various state and national education organizations, including the Executive Committee for the Alliance for High Quality Education.

John and his wife Susan, who teaches at Eli Pinney Elementary School, have two adult daughters. In his spare time, John enjoys running, swimming, golfing, and spending time with his family.

John Marschhausen

To contact Dr. Marschhausen, please email or reach out to his Administrative Assistant, Janet Gruneisen, by phone at 614-760-4353 or by email at