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Social and Emotional Health

We are committed to maintaining a safe and inclusive environment that fosters social and emotional health within our school community.

Learn more about our social and emotional health practices, policies, and partnerships below.

Anti-Harassment and Non-Discrimination

Dublin City Schools is committed to having a school environment free from all discrimination, bullying, harassment, and intimidation. All students, administrators, teachers, staff, and school personnel share responsibility for avoiding, discouraging, and reporting any form of unlawful discrimination. Under Federal civil rights laws, discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, religion, ancestry, or genetic information is strictly prohibited. Furthermore, retaliation against individuals who file a complaint is also prohibited.

Bullying, harassment, or intimidation includes any intentional, persistent, and repetitive written, verbal, graphic, electronically submitted, or physical act that a student or group of students exhibits toward another student and the behavior both: a) causes mental or physical harm to the other student AND b) is sufficiently severe that it creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for the victim.

When an incident arises that requires a report to be filed, please direct your complaint to the appropriate personnel below. You can also fill out an anonymous report on our Stay Safe. Speak Up! helpline.

Stay Safe. Speak Up!

The Dublin City Schools Board of Education has adopted the policies below to address discrimination, bullying, harassment, and intimidation in the district.


Student Survey Data

Student well-being is an essential component of educating the whole child. As such, students participate twice a year in a questionnaire asking their perceptions about school and student support. The questionnaire is administered by Panorama Education. All students in grades 3-12 have the opportunity to take the Panorama surveys. District results can be found below. If you have questions about building level Panorama results, please reach out to your building principal.

LiFEsports Dublin

LiFEsports “prepares youth for life and leadership through sport.” Youth learn how to control their emotions, work in teams, and be socially responsible, all while improving their fundamental motor skills and being exposed to 8 different sports.

LiFEsports in Dublin supports our community’s most vulnerable youth who are at-risk of falling behind. At the LiFEsports Summer Camp, youth learn four key social skills through their sport participation (Self-Control, Effort, Teamwork, and Social Responsibility; SETS). Specifically, youth receive 15 hours play-based social skills instruction (called Chalk Talk) where they learn and practice SETS. They also participate in 5-hours of instruction in 8 different sports (i.e., lacrosse, soccer, volleyball, football, ultimate frisbee, dance, etc.), thereby allowing them the opportunity to sample multiple sports and apply SETS on the field and court. Once camp is over, youth are invited to sport clinics offered during the academic year. LiFEsports staff continue to reinforce the application of SETS to real-life settings such as at school or in the community. Long-term relationships with youth and families are nurtured. Kids benefit hugely, as evidenced by our outcomes data.