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Flu Shots

'Tis the season for sniffles and sneezes! Stay protected this season by visiting one of our district flu shot clinics.

Dublin City Schools offers flu shots for all students each school year. Help keep our community healthy by participating in our convenient, on-site flu clinics. Scroll down to view the flu shot clinic schedule and find dates and times for your school.

Flu Shot Clinic Details:

  • Provider: Drug Mart

  • Eligibility: All Dublin City Schools students

  • Cost: Insurance will be billed, and a copay may apply.

  • Consent Form: Print, complete, and bring the consent form on the day of your shot.

  • Sign-Up: There’s no need to make an appointment. Simply stop by at any time during the scheduled clinic hours to receive your flu shot.

2024-2025 Schedule

Flu shot clinics begin October 1. Print, complete, and bring the consent form and your Dublin School ID with you on the day of your shot.

Building Date Time
Bailey ES October 3 12-2 PM
Chapman ES October 4 12-2 PM
Coffman HS October 11 11 AM-1 PM
Davis MS October 3 12-2 PM
Deer Run ES October 1 12-2 PM
Emerald Campus October 24 12:30-1:30 PM
Eversole Run MS October 10 12-2 PM
Glacier Ridge ES October 10 12-2 PM
Grizzell MS October 4 12-2 PM
Hopewell ES October 11 12-2 PM
Indian Run ES October 7 12-2 PM
Jerome HS October 17 11 AM-1 PM
Karrer MS October 7 12-2 PM
Olde Sawmill ES October 17 12-2 PM
Pinney ES October 17 12-2 PM
Riverside ES October 21 12-2 PM
Scioto HS October 22 11 AM-1 PM
Scottish Corners ES October 21 12-2 PM
Sells MS October 2 12-2 PM
Thomas ES October 22 12-2 PM
Wright ES October 25 12-2 PM
Wyandot ES October 25 12-2 PM

Find a Flu Vaccine Offsite:

If you can’t make it to the school clinic, you can use the Vaccine Finder to locate nearby flu vaccination sites. Most insurance plans will cover the cost of offsite flu vaccines.


If you have any questions, ask your building nurse or clinic aide.