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Physical Health Services

Our Health Services team actively collaborates with students, staff, families, and the community in order to promote the health and wellbeing of every child. We intervene with actual and potential health problems through direct and indirect care so that we may help reduce the spread of communicable disease, increase attendance, and place the focus on life-long learning and health. Our district employs eight certified school nurses who rotate between assigned schools. For daily care, basic first-aid, and medication administration, there is a full-time, trained clinic aide in each school clinic.

When to Stay Home

Your child is too ill to go to school if he or she has any of the following symptoms:
  • Temperature above 100.4°F by mouth
  • Vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours
  • Shortness of breath or an increase in wheezing during normal activity
  • Has a cough that interrupts normal activity
  • Rash over the body or localized to one area of the body
  • Fatigue and needs bed rest (common with flu-like symptoms)
  • Signs of conjunctivitis such as red, crusty or swollen eyes

Remember: Attendance is a must for your child to be successful in school. If your child’s absence requires a doctor’s visit, please turn in the medical excuse to your child’s school upon returning.

Physical Health Contacts by Building

Nurses and Aides