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Service Delivery Options


Provision of instruction and evaluation of instruction based on the general and/or functional curriculum by a certified intervention specialist in areas identified in the student's IEP.


Assistance to the regular education classroom teacher by a certified intervention specialist: develops instructional or behavioral strategies for students with disabilities, selects or develops instructional materials, and assists in the development of appropriate classroom and instructional modifications of the general education curriculum.


Provision of instruction in collaboration with the regular education classroom teacher that supports the student in the instruction of the general curriculum by a certified intervention specialist in areas identified on the student's IEP.

Related Services

Supportive, corrective and developmental services included on the IEP and required for students with disabilities to benefit from special education.  Examples include, but are not limited to, transportation, speech and language, occupational and physical therapy, adapted physical education, school psychology services, interpreter services, mental health/behavior specialist support, transition services, and aide support.