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Assistive Technology

The focus of the Dublin City Schools Assistive Technology Team is on three main components: student assessment, professional development, and resources. In Dublin, we are committed to the growth and development of students with disabilities and to allow these students to demonstrate growth in the curriculum. Dublin's Assistive Technology Team is a multidisciplinary team comprised of individuals from the following disciplines: Assistive Technology Specialist, Speech-Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Teacher of the Visually Impaired, and Intervention Specialists. 

Assessment  The educators of the Dublin City School District believe that all students can and will achieve at high levels. Students experiencing learning challenges require different educational solutions. Assistive Technology can address student supports for learning through tools ranging from low tech to high tech options. The Assistive Technology referral process can take place at any point in the process of student assessment from the initial steps of gathering information about a student up to and including a formal Evaluation Team Report and Individualized Education Plan.

Professional Development  As technology becomes an embedded part of our lives, it becomes the responsibility of all professionals to seek better understanding and awareness of the impact of technology in each student’s educational success. The Dublin City Schools Assistive Technology Team addresses the support, training, software, and equipment needs of teachers and students. Dublin City Schools provides job imbedded professional development to assist and train staff, students, and parents in awareness and implementation of all the technology tools within the district.

Resources  Dublin City Schools offers a wide range of assistive technology resources through our Lending Library, providing tools and supports for students, parents, and staff to enhance educational participation. Resources include, but are not limited to, software, hardware, devices, adaptive equipment, and instructional step sheets. Student needs drive the requests for these resources, ensuring that every learner with a disability has access to the tools necessary for success.