Dublin City Schools identifies giftedness in superior cognitive ability, math, reading, creative thinking, and visual and performing arts. The district must follow policy and procedures established in Ohio Administrative Code 3301-51-15. These rules specify that assessment instruments must come from the list approved by the Ohio Department of Education. Parents, guardians, teachers, or peers may refer students for a gifted identification evaluation.
- Superior Cognitive Ability Identification: Whole grade assessments are administered in 2nd and 4th grade.
- Reading & Math Gifted Identification: MAP math and reading assessments are administered in grades 2-8 three times a year, beginning when students take the MAP 2-5 assessment. Students with a score at or above the 95th percentile on this approved assessment receive a gifted identification in that specific content area. Students with a gifted identification in either of these areas will be supported within their regular classroom through high quality, differentiated instruction.
- Creative Thinking Gifted Identification: Assessments are administered to students who have met a minimum screening score on the cognitive abilities assessment in second and fourth grades.
- Visual and Performing Arts: Through nomination and performance evaluations (display of work, audition, or other performance or exhibition), a student may be identified as a result of demonstrating superior ability in drama/theater, vocal or instrumental music, dance, or visual art.
Referral Assessments
The first step of the gifted identification process is to complete the Cognitive Abilities Referral Form. Testing will take place within 90 days of a referral and results will be sent via email within 30 days of an assessment. Any student currently enrolled within Dublin City Schools may be referred by a parent or guardian, teacher, student, or administrator for this referral testing for gifted identification. After each 90 day referral sign up window, a testing window will follow. During each testing window, an assessment from the Ohio Department of Education's Approved Assessments List will be administered by a gifted intervention specialist at your child's building.
Gifted identification in the areas of math and reading will be administered through the MAP 2-5 and MAP 6+ assessments multiple times throughout the school year. There is no need for students to be referred for testing in these areas.
Do not fill this form out if your child is already identified as superior cognitive ability or receiving gifted services.
Window Open for Referrals | Assessment Window |
June/July | August |
September/October | November |
December/January | February |
March/April | May |