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The Dublin City Schools Board of Education believes that all students, including advanced learners, should be challenged and supported to reach their full potential. 

The Dublin City Schools Acceleration Policy, in accordance with the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce’s Model Acceleration Policy, provides students with opportunities for possible accelerated placement through early admission to kindergarten, individual subject acceleration, whole grade acceleration and early graduation from high school.

Academic acceleration is an intervention that moves students through traditional curriculum at a faster than typical pace. The goal of acceleration is to match a student’s capabilities with the most appropriate level of challenge. 

A student may be a good candidate for an accelerated placement when their demonstrated achievement, as well as measured ability and maturity, significantly exceeds that of their grade-level peers. 

If you suspect your child might be a good candidate for an accelerated placement, begin by discussing with your child’s teacher.  Be prepared to provide specific information as to why you believe the level and complexity of your child’s instruction should be modified. A teacher, administrator, gifted education specialist, school psychologist or parent or legal guardian of the student may submit a request for potential acceleration by first reaching out to the building’s gifted intervention specialist. 


Types of Acceleration

Written Acceleration Plan

Students who qualify for an accelerated placement will receive a Written Acceleration Plan (WAP) that will specify the placement, the period of time for which monitoring will take place, and strategies to support a successful transition. 

Additional Resources