Enrollment FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
For common questions specific to kindergarten-aged students, visit our Kindergarten Information page.
To view our district boundaries and maps for school boundaries, visit our Boundaries and Maps page.
- I do not have access to a computer. How do I complete the registration?
- My student was previously enrolled and needs to re-enroll. What do I need to do?
- Can my child(ren) enroll in Dublin City Schools even if I do not live within the district boundaries?
- I am currently living with a friend/relative and do not have proof of residency. How do I enroll my student?
- I just moved into my new residence and do not have a second proof of residency. Can I enroll my student?
- I currently live outside of the district but am in the process of building / buying a home in the district. Can I enroll my child to begin school now?
- I currently live outside of the district and have a rental agreement that will begin at a later date. Can I enroll my child to begin school now?
- My child currently attends a school in the district, but I would like my child to attend another school outside my attendance area through an intra-district transfer.
- My child currently attends Dublin City Schools, but we are moving to another attendance area within the district. Can my child remain at the current school?
- I am the biological father of a child and want to enroll him/her in school but the biological mother and I were never married. What do I need to do?
- I recently filed for custody. What are my next steps for enrollment?
- I am interested in homeschooling my student. Who should I contact?
- How can I ensure photos and videos of my child are not shared without my permission?