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Public Records Requests

Records Request Process

  • The Board of Education is responsible for ensuring the public records of the district are available to residents of Ohio for inspection and reproduction in strict adherence to the Ohio Public Records Act. To submit a Public Records Request to Dublin City Schools, please fill out the form linked below. A copy of this form will be sent to the requestor's email address upon submission.


    You may also make a request via US Mail using our printable form, by phone at 614-760-4337, or in-person at 5175 Emerald Parkway, Dublin, OH 43017.

    Examples of records that are available upon request to any member of the public include, but are not limited to:

    • Contracts awarded to a business or individual for the purchase of a service or item
    • Emails to and from school employees that pertain to school business
    • Employee contracts for teachers, athletic coaches, custodians, bus drivers, administrators, the superintendent and more
    • Financial documents such as budgets, monthly and yearly statements, financial forecasts, expense reports, payment vouchers and invoices
    • Forms and applications, such as employee hiring documents
    • Employee performance evaluations
    • School board agendas, meeting minutes (both in a draft and final form) and board resolutions
    • Professional development and training materials for sessions and workshops that are district-wide and/or building-wide. View our Professional Development Models document to learn more about the types of professional development staff participate in and how records for professional development are managed.

    Examples of records that are excluded from release to the public include:

    • Notes by teachers, counselors and school administrators that were made for their personal use
    • Copies of emergency response plans and other security records
    • Records protected by attorney-client privilege
    • Records shared during an executive session of the school board.
    • Student education records, including cumulative files discipline records

    Please note that, if the requester makes an ambiguous or overly broad request or has difficulty in making a request such that the office cannot reasonably identify what public records are being requested, the request may be denied (Ohio Revised Code 149.43). Providing specific details, including names, dates, times, locations, and what records are requested will help expedite your request.