Each team will consist of six to ten team members with six team members on the court to begin each game. Adult teams must have a female member on the court at all times unless she has been knocked out of the match.
Each game will be officiated by 2 or more referees.
The court will be marked by cones within the stadium.
3 minute time limit on each game. If time expires and both teams still have players remaining, then the team with the most players left will win. If same number of players, play will continue until a player is eliminated.
There will be no team time-outs permitted; a “sub time-out” is available at the 1:30 minute mark to make substitutions only if referees are informed before the match a team intends to sub at the 1:30 mark.
Adult teams must consist of at least one female. A female cannot be “subbed out” by another male at the half-way time-out.
Stalling is not permitted (the Karrer rule). If one team ends up with all the balls on their side of the court, the referees will instruct the team it has 10 seconds to throw a ball, or a player on that team will be eliminated/removed from competition.
Players may cross the half court line with 1:00 minute remaining in the game.
Teams MUST report to the check-in table upon arrival at Coffman. Plan to enter the pass gate to the left of the ticket windows.
The rules will not be explained prior to each game. Please be familiar with them prior to the tournament, especially if you are a team captain.
Adult, Middle, and Elementary Teams
Each elementary school, middle school, and adult teams will NOT run to the center line to retrieve balls, but will start with three balls on each side of the court. Players may run up to the mid-court line to throw at the other team but may not cross it. Elementary and Middle School teams may be co-ed but they are not required to be co-ed. When there is one minute remaining in the match, both teams may move to the opposite free throw line to throw balls.
High School Student Teams
Each high school student team will start lined up on the back line with the balls on the middle line of the court. Players must have one foot touching the back line. On the whistle, players will run for the balls in the middle. Once all the balls have been taken, each player will return to their respective side. The players must then wait for a second whistle before beginning the actual game.
How players can be eliminated:
Players are eliminated if they are hit anywhere on the body.
Players are also eliminated if a ball is caught that has been thrown by the opposing team. In this instance, the player that threw the ball that was caught is out, and the team of the player who caught the ball gets to add another player of their choice.
Players are allowed to catch balls that hit off themselves or their own team members and have never hit the ground. If someone catches a ball that has hit one of their team members and never hit the ground, the person that threw the ball is out, the person that got hit stays in, and the team that caught the ball gets to add another player.
Only one person can be eliminated per throw. If a ball strikes one player and then hits another player, only the first person who got hit is out.
If a ball comes in contact with another ball, both balls are dead. (ex. A blocked ball that is tipped into the air, can’t get someone out or be caught.)
Line infractions:
All line infractions are the referee’s discretion. Line infractions are as follows: if a player steps over a boundary line in the act of trying to avoid a thrown ball, they are eliminated; if a player throws a ball while standing past or on the mid-line, outside the side boundaries or behind the back-line, they are eliminated.
Players are allowed to cross their side and back boundaries to go and retrieve a ball; however, eliminated team members should do most of the work for them. Players that do leave the designated area to retrieve a ball will not be eliminated. In spite of this, if the referee feels that a player is taking too long to retrieve the ball or decides a player is leaving the playing zone to avoid getting hit, the referee can issue a warning or eliminate the player from that game.
If a ball hits a member of your team and flies into the air, players are allowed to leave the boundaries on their side to attempt to catch the ball and eliminate a player from the other team. However, they still may not cross the mid-court line.
Teams caught cheating (ex. Coming back in after being eliminated) will be immediately disqualified.
The referee’s decisions and calls are final. All calls are at their discretion.